Tuesday, December 21, 2010

The Travels and Tribulations

With Christmas just around the corner, many of you are probably planning on doing some traveling. And whether it is simply down the road or across the country, chances are it will be a mildly frustrating experience to say the least. Fortunately, there are a few things that you can do to limit that amount of on-the-road rage and make sure that everyone gets home safely.
First, there seems to be a lot of discontent with the new TSA screening process. And though I do not necessarily like the idea of Mike the TSA agent feeling up my inner thighs, a quick pre-shower glance into the bathroom mirror does tend to convince me that I should probably be the one apologizing before the pat down. But regardless of my personal opinion, to make the airport experience as quick and painless as possible for all those involved, I recommend following the TSA guidelines as best you can. If a TSA agent asks you to spread eagle in the terminal, just do it – it saves everyone time and hassle. And if a TSA agents asks for your phone number afterward, either be flattered or run away as fast as you can.

Second, no matter what method of transportation you plan on using (be it planes, trains, or automobiles), plan on your travels taking twice as long as they should. Let's be honest, between the surprise snow storms, traffic accidents, and flying reindeer, it is a wonder how anyone gets where they're going on time. So plan accordingly and avoid the holiday rush.

And third, keep track of your luggage, pets, and children. Nothing is more frustrating than losing your luggage. (Well... I suppose losing your pet might be a bit more frustrating.) Suffice it to say – nothing is more frustrating than losing your things. Fortunately, the solution to all three of these problems is the same – put them on a leash. If they can't run away, they can't get lost. And in that way, everyone gets home safely.

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