Monday, May 7, 2012

Mother's Day Card Writing 101

Mother's Day Card Writing 101

Did you know that Mother's Day is one of the busiest days of the year for most post offices? Well, it is. And rightly so, I should say. Let's be honest here, our mothers survived the agony of child birth, the terrible twos, and the terribler teens – so the least we can do is send a card. And with that in mind, today I will offer you a simple note to inscribe within that requisite Mother's Day card. Of course, you know your mother better than I. So, feel free to adapt this note to suit your needs.

Dear Mom,

Thank you for the love, the kindness, and care;
Thank you for giving up the size zero jeans for the maternity wear.

Thank you for the patience, the devotion, and praise;
Thank you for scaring the monsters, repelling the bullies, and kissing the booboo bandaids.

Thank you for the lessons you taught, the stories you read, and the “I told you so's” you shared;
Thank you for tolerating my punk-rock years that probably left you really quite scared.

Thank you for the hot cocoas, fish sticks, and mac' and cheese;
Thank you for forgiving me that time I flushed down your car keys.

Thank you for being there unconditionally and true;
Thank you for it all, and always know – I love you.

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