Wednesday, May 16, 2012

End of Days, Part XVIII

When planning your End-of-the-Mayan-Calendar Party, it is a good idea to stop and think for a moment about how you'll be entertaining your guests.  After all, this might very well be the last party you'll ever host.  So, it is a good idea to stop and think about some fun party games that will keep your dinner guests amused long into the night.  And in an effort to help you choose the perfect party games to play, allow me to offer a few fun suggestions:
  • Zombie Pinata - they'll be coming for your brain, you might as well go after their's too...
  • Strip Poker - if the sun explodes, you won't need the clothes anyway.
  • Hide and Seek: Bomb Shelter Edition - if you have it, why not hide there?
  • Marco Polo - if the ice caps melt and the world floods, you might as well take advantage of the situation...
  • Pin the Probe on the Alien - before they do it to you!

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