It wouldn't be much of a Fourth of July celebration without a few decorations, now would it? And in preparation for this most patriot of holidays, I've compiled a list of some creative, do-it-yourself party decorations that would make Uncle Sam proud.
- If you don't have the time or the money to purchase festive red, white, and blue streamers, try hanging strips of red, white, and blue duck tape from your house, nearby trees, utility poles, and neighbors. Not only will it look like your home is draped in beautifully patriot ribbon, but the sticky side of the tape should also double as chemical-free fly paper! It's win, win.
- The Fourth of July is also a great time to use those Valentine's Day decorations. Not only will the bright red color of all those decorations add to your festive color scheme, but all the heart-shaped decorations should tell your dinner guests that you really love this country.
- If there are going to be any small children at your party, purchase some red, white, and blue face paint. Then, set the kids loose and let them paint each other's faces with decorative stars, stripes, and fake mustaches. Not only will this keep the children entertained, but it will also make the little tykes into walking, talking Fourth of July decorations.
- And if your children aren't the face painting sort, then use the excess face paint to decorate a greased up piglet with festive stars and stripes and set the swine free for a fun game of catch the Patriot Piglet.
- Lastly, it wouldn't be the Fourth of July without a few fireworks. But if fireworks are too expensive or too illegal for you taste, then make your own “fireworks.” Simple loads a potato gun with glitter and the requisite potato plug, and shoot the glitter into the air for a beautiful, cheap, and legal daytime fireworks display.
Enjoy your Fourth of July!