Looking for a fun April Fool's Day joke to play on your family/friends/coworkers? Well, look no further. Below I have compiled a list of some of my favorite April Fool's Day jokes. Of course, you know your family's/friends'/coworkers' sense of humor, so only choose jokes that he/she/they will find amusing (unless of course you don't like him/her/them – in which case, feel free to go crazy). But I think this list is a good start to a day of playful pranking.
- Dip the other person's pens, pencils, etc. in clear nail polish. This will temporarily stop all the writing utensils from working.
- Wrap everything in clear plastic wrap – the dresser drawers... the kitchen cabinets... the shower... EVERYTHING. Then, sit back and watch as your victim attempt to break his/her way through the seal to get at his/her socks, spoons, shampoo, and the like.
- Do a Google Images search for “butt pimples.” Then, take those photos and make them your coworkers' new desktop background images (password protected background images, of course).
- Does your office have a conference calling system? If so, call two coworkers using the conference call setting, and then hang up just as they answer. Both victims will assume the other one called and never know it was you.
- And finally, place your victim's underwear in the freezer while he/she is in the shower. Aw... nothing like a cold pair of underwear to make you feel alive in the morning. (And for a really mean trick, mist the underwear with water before freezing – that way the underwear freezes flat.)
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